This exercise can be found on page 26 in “Toolbox 2.0 for Strategic Leadership of Innovative Networks”. You can download a PDF version of the toolbox here.
In the “Cases” dropdown there is an example of how the hedgehog model was used to analyse the tourism industry in Jostedalen.
For more information see the “cases” dropdown here
Exercise 2: Relationship to the public sector – Does the public sector have specific interest in the network? Does the network address areas that are part of the strategic plans in the municipality/county?
There is no promise that networks live forever, so in some cases disassembling the network is the right thing to do. The hedgehog principle may be a device to figure out if the network is still viable. If there is no desire to disassemble the network, the leaders and participants, especially in mature networks, have to think the situation through: Will restructuring be necessary? Are changes required to achieve new growth?