
This exercise can be found on page 14 in “Toolbox 2.0 for Strategic Leadership of Innovative Networks”. You can download a PDF version of the toolbox here.


Figure 3. Risk analysis – a balance between what is safe and what is vulnerable.

Exercise 1: Try to place “your” network in figure 3.

Exercise 2: What are the consequences of what was agreed on in exercise 1?

Exercise 3: Evaluate “your” multiple helix model.

Table 3 shows the main stakeholders in a multiple helix model. Use the table to analyze the stakeholders’ contributions and demands, what could go wrong (worst case) and the implications of this worst case scenario.

Table 3. Stakeholder analysis.

This table is editable, but you can not save. Consider printing out this page if you choose to fill it out.
Stakeholders Contributions to the network Demands from the network Worst case (what could go wrong?) Implications of worst case
Public sector
Risk capital

We have to see this in connection with the strategic tool “What should we pursue?”.

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