
Exercise 1: Prepare input to a board meeting in your network.

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Functions in well-functioning networks Intangible elements
Advantage / incentive to join the network The network as
a. Meeting Place
b. Door opener
c. Foundation for innovation
d. High status institution
e. Policy influencer
Knowledge: Creation and sharing a. Routines and practices for knowledge acquisition
b. Routines and practice dissemination practices
c. Facilitate the creation of knowledge
d. Apply new knowledge
Innovation a. Make a list of innovations and classify them:
– product
– businesses
– projects
– new organization forms
– business models
Legitimacy Ensure that the networks have built up a good legitimacy, both internally and externally.
Resource mobilization The networking is used for mobilizing resources in the form of
a. Cultural capital – knowledge and information
b. social capital – relationships with actors with complementary resources (who can be knowledge or money)
External benefits Supplementary effects” and creation of good reputation for the entire region
Impact and the UN’s climate goals?

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